Do you ever just wonder what the point of life is. Why are we here? What is the point? When you really think about it, you get to see life for what it is, and there really is no point to anything. It is all an illusion. We are taught since birth, what to think we want, what to do, how to act, and different guidelines of life “we are supposed to follow.” There are so many different religions and ideology’s on life because people need something to believe in, and most, I believe, don’t realize it but it gives them some “point” or “reason” to be doing all of this. Otherwise many people would really be going in deeper to these questions I pose.

We are led to believe that the goals in life are family, work, personal enjoyment etc, but we all will die and all the suffering we do on this planet doesn’t make sense for just these goals. This leads me to believe there is some higher purpose that we are here to accomplish. “We are all one” or “we are getting to a higher spiritual level” could both be possibilities but is very hard to see in this physical world. Many people say to meditate, be in nature, say “all is well” to get to this higher spiritual level and then possibly be able to dig deep and find the purpose, and ultimate happiness. I do believe this, but this is hard to get too. I have come to see the reality of the world we live in and this is not a nice world. There is so much hurt, pain, and suffering on earth and life is suffering, constant suffering. They say we need to be able to control our emotions and our reactions to things, find the inner peace and not let life’s mundane tasks throw us, but this is hard to do.
Life can be really good sometimes, enjoyable, fun, and at peace. At these moments we tend to forget (which is nice) of the suffering and get to enjoy the payment of our dues. But I believe all of these moments come from the time of suffering which can be very trying and when you are in these times it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I try to believe that these trying times are making us grow, making our soul grow to the next stage it needs to be in.
I try to believe there is some plan for all of us, because otherwise, back to my first question, what is the point? There is just too much suffering and pain, and thought of having to “be something” other than just be. So many people are just not awake to this fact and that’s what makes this life hard is because they either take it too seriously or they are too lost in the physical traps to just be, be kind – I think what’s been missing for me.
I miss kindness, people are so unkind. It is hard to find people that want to help, and be a good positive light on you. There is so much darkness and judgement here, it is hard to see past and move forward at times. I am trying to do things to help myself get back to a positive light, see the true purpose, and be happy. They also say happiness is a choice, which I believe it is, to a certain extent. Hopefully through more meditation, and just being, I will be able to come back to a happy space.
I am very curious to one day find out, if all of this life was a plan, and if all of us are actually one moving this world forward with our energies. Who knows, is me typing this affecting something else? Understanding what we want, and what we are “supposed to be” is so hard but I think probably the most common question amongst everyone. We all want to know this, this gives us a purpose! But yet it is so hard to find. And life takes us on so many paths before to get to that final or most fulfilling one (at least I hope to believe) and all these roads were necessary to learn. God, doesn’t it feel like such a game! And as I’ve been told, we are just supposed to enjoy every moment, all is well, let it be, the past is the past, the future is the future, just enjoy the now.
I wanted to write this down, I want to start writing more in general. I have a few film and TV show concepts I want to get writing and one kind of stems from this thought of life, spirit, our purpose, and journeys. If you read this, thank you and I hope maybe it helps or you know there’s someone like you out there as well. I kind of just rambled but ultimately life is short, this physical life I believe for all of us is temporary for some bigger divine energy out there. Let us all do the best we can, be kind, know that our suffering is for a better outcome than we could ever dreamed of, and know that every relationship we have is important.